Frozen Dumplings

Purely handmade, thin skin stuffing dumplings, with no any preservative and additives.

Purely Handmade dumplings

Frozen Dumplings

Purely handmade, thin skin stuffing dumplings, with no any preservative and additives.

Pre-order Dumplings


Lauhomecook homemade frozen dumplings are only available on a pre-order basis, and the dumplings will be delivered every Saturday. Each box contains eight pieces of dumplings that prepared with fresh ingredients without any MSG or preservatives added, and are suitable for both adults & children. 

dumplings 1
dumplings 2
dumplings 3

Cooking Method

Check Dumplings Flavors

Step 1


Fill in water into a big pot, make sure fill in with slightly extra water when cooking frozen dumplings. 

Step 2


Add a tablespoon of table salt and start boiling water on medium heat.

Step 3


Boil water. You can add a little oil.

Step 4


Put the frozen dumplings into the pot as soon as the water starts to boil and start cooking. Cover the pot, but don’t cover it completely.

Step 5


Gently stir the dumplings. After it boils, add a small bowl of cold water.

Step 6


Repeat Step 5 for 3 times. Dumplings is ready cooked when it floats. Enjoy!

Tips from Aunty Lau:
  1. If you use small pot, it have little space, the dumplings will easily stiack to the pot, and the dumpling skin will easily break. So make sure to use big pot to cook the dumplings. 
  2. If you use too little water for cooking dumplings, the water temperature will drop drastically when you add frozen dumplings, it will be like stewing dumplings and form a big lump of dumplings. 
  3. Add a teaspoon of salt to reduce loss of starch from the dumplings skin, making it less sticky and more chewy.
  4. You can add a small amount of oil, so the dumplings will not be sticky.
  5. The reason why the lid of the pot is not tightly closed is to prevent the water temperature from being too high, and the dumpling skin is easy to gelatinize.


01. Delivery Time

Saturday : 04:30 PM – 07:30 PM

02. Portion

Each set of frozen dumpling purchased will have 8 dumplings.

03. Cooking Methods

In addition to Aunty Lau’s method above, you can also try pan-fried or fried the dumplings.

04. Frozen Storage

With no added preservatives, the best before date is within two weeks of the date of purchase.

Dumplings Flavors

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